2025年2月9日(日) 本日の営業時間 12:00 - 17:00 【展示室A&B】 古屋兎丸展「SCHWEIGEN-沈黙-」2025

'21/9/28 〜 10/3エピテーゼ展


2021年9月28日(火)~10月3日(日) 会期中無休



感染症の感染拡大を防ぎ、お客さまの健康と安全を第一に考え、混雑を避けるため、 ご入場はオンラインによる事前予約(日時指定券)制となります。

  • 感染症防止の観点から、営業時間が変更される可能性がございます
  • 会期中の物販のみのご利用はお断りいたします。





ギャラリーで個展を開催する理由も、一人でも多くの方にエピテーゼの存在を知ってもらい、身近に感じ、メイクやファッションと同じように、おしゃれの一つとして楽しんで欲しいと願っているからです。(エピテみやび 田村雅美)

エピテみやび株式会社 代表取締役 田村雅美

1982 群馬県生まれ
2003 歯科技工士専門学校卒業・歯科技工所勤務
2005 渡米・エピテーゼと出会う
2007 帰国・歯科医院勤務
2017 エピテみやび設立
2018 法人化し東京進出
2019 一般社団法人日本エピテーゼ協会設立
2020 オンラインエピテスクール開講


2017 「エピテーゼ展」茶房ギャラリー千楽 群馬
2018 「エピテーゼ展」Gallery Art Soup 群馬
2019 グループ展「アピアランスケア展」Gallery Art Soup 群馬
2020 グループ展「アピアランスケア展」前橋リリカ 群馬


2017 NICEなビジネスコンテスト 奨励賞
2018 第7回ウーマンズビジネスグランプリ特別賞
女性起業チャレンジ制度 グランプリ
第6回ぐんぎんビジネスサポート大賞 努力賞
群馬イノベーションアワード アントレプレナー賞
2019 荒川区ビジネスプランコンテスト 奨励賞
JCI Japan TOYP 2020 準グランプリ・厚生労働大臣賞

“Epithesis” exhibition

(Epithesis exhibition / Photo exhibition: Epithe-Miyabi)

[Period] August 31 (Tue.) to September 5 (Sun.), 2021
[Hours] Weekdays (Mon. through Fri.) 12:00-19:00; Weekends (Sat. and Sun.) 12:00-17:00
Exhibition rooms A and B
[Admission fee] Online ticket: 800 yen  Same-day ticket 1,000 yen
(Same-day tickets will be issued when online tickets are available.)
In order to prevent coronavirus infection from spreading and in consideration of health and safety of the audience, advance online reservation (for a ticket for a designated date/time slot) is required for admission. Tickets will be available on August 22 (Tue.), 2021 at noon (12:00 p.m.) on the ticket sales page linked from the Vanilla Gallery website.
From the viewpoint of infection prevention, opening hours may be changed.
Those who only intend to purchase goods and merchandise will not be admitted.

Epithesis is unlike artificial arms or artificial legs used to support human functions that are congenitally absent or have been lost or degraded due to disease, accident, or any other reason, but rather a physical orthosis focused more on the aesthetic aspect.
Epithesis, which was invented in the late 18th century, was originally produced using materials such as ceramics, rubber, celluloid, and gelatin. Since around 1945, silicon have been used as the main material.
As an ornament that brings deeper meaning mentally, in addition to supporting physical conditions, it is commonly used in western countries and is now gradually becoming popular in Japan.
In this exhibition, focus is place not just on epithesis itself, but also on users and producers to broadly provide an overview of its social significance.

Exhibition introduction

I first found out about epithesis when I traveled to the U.S. to visit a university hospital as a dental technician. There I witnessed the production of a “realistic mask” specifically for a man of late 20s who appears to be a former soldier and has lost his left eye, ear, and cheek.
Back then, I was thinking that even if a person’s appearance has changed due to accident or disease, it can be completely restored once he/she goes to a hospital, and the use of epithesis is limited only to countries in war.

However, when I returned to Japan and met an old friend who has lost her left breast due to breast cancer, she told me her story that the large scar left after the surgery brought her physical and mental pain. Because of it, she could no longer go to hot springs that she used to love and suffered depression afterwards. She said that she was told at the hospital “You should be thankful that you are alive and should not mind about your appearance”. This word weighed heavily upon her.
It was an event that made me deeply understand the mental damage from losing part of one’s body and a social barrier based on one’s appearance. I had doubts about the fact that the information reflecting the physical conditions of the person concerned does not reach him/her, and made up my mind to pursue a career to produce epithesis, hoping that the skills I have developed can help bring a smile to the friend and those who are worried and distressed just like her (the skills of dental technicians and that of producing epithesis are somewhat similar in part).

The epithesis I am seeking is an ornament that people who have lost part of their body can wear as a stylish fashion item without having a complex about their body or feeling a sense of discomfort.

The reason I decided to hold an exhibition is to have as many people as possible know and feel closer to epithesis and enjoy it as a fashion item. (TAMURA Masami, Epithe-Miyabi Co., Ltd.)

Brief personal history

TAMURA Masami, CEO at Epithe-Miyabi Co., Ltd.

1982 Born in Gunma Prefecture.
2003 Graduated from a dental technician college and employed at a dental technician’s office.
2005 Traveled to the U.S. and came across epithesis.
2007 Returned to Japan and employed at a dental clinic.
2017 Established Epithe-Miyabi.
2018 Formally incorporated Epithe-Miyabi and moved into Tokyo.
2019 Established the general incorporated association PRESSPAGE.
   Also started the epiteschool.
2020 Started the online epiteschool.

[Solo exhibitions]

2017 “Epithesis exhibition” at Sabo Gallery Senraku, Gunma Prefecture
2018 “Epithesis exhibition” at Gallery Art Soup, Gunma Prefecture
2019 Group exhibition “Appearance Care exhibition” at Gallery Art Soup, Gunma Prefecture
2020 Group exhibition “Appearance Care exhibition” at Maebashi LiRiCA, Gunma Prefecture


2017 Encouragement Award, NICe Business Contest
2018 Special Award, 7th Women’s Business Grand Prix
Grand Prix award, Female Entrepreneurship Challenge System
Outstanding Effort Award, 6th Gunma Bank Business Support Grand Award
Entrepreneur Award, Gunma Innovation Award
2019 Encouragement Award, Arakawa Ward Business Plan Contest
2020 Second Prize/Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Award, JCI Japan TOYP 2020

[Media history]

NIKKEI, Yomiuri Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun Digital, Mainichi Shimbun, Jomo Shimbun
FM Gunma “Challenge the Dream”, NHK “Good Morning Japan/Hirumae Hot”
TV TOKYO “Change the World”, J-Wave “Innovation World”
Magazine “Entre”, Japan Finance Corporation “Monthly Report/White Paper on Business Start-ups”, Sogyo Techo, Chiikijin, and many others