入場料:当日券1,000円◎展示室AB共通(当日券のみのご案内です)入場料は画廊受付にてお支払下さい◆最終ご入場時間は閉場時間の30分前となります◆展示室Aにて開催の三代目彫よし 中野義仁個展「慚愧と懺悔」【人斬り無惨-残酷血みどろ絵巻】も同時にご覧いただけます
OPEN: Saturday & Sunday & Holiday (11/4) 12-5pm
Weekdays 12-7pm / Admission fee: ¥1,000 (Door)
I have been reporting body modification for over 30 years. Since the 1990s, body modification has spread throughout the world and achieved rapid growth, becoming its own cultural genre. This includes such as “tongue splitting” cutting to resemble that of a snake, “body suspension” hooking and hanging up the body, “bagelheads’’ saline inflations in the forehead, “microchips” implanted in the human body, the brain-computer interface “Neuralink,” and more.
Body modification is a form of bodily art that can be traced back to ancient times and, at the same time, can be seen as the forefront of humanity’s transformation into cyborgs, where future technology will be fused with the human body. Shannon Larratt, organizer of the legendary body modification convention Modcon, expressed the feelings of extreme modification practitioners everywhere with the following words:
“Thank God, I finally feel at home.”
The shocking world of body modification may be unimaginable for many people, but there are those who find great comfort in it. To what degree have the past three decades’ progress and vicissitudes affected people's perceptions? What is the true nature of humankind as it teeters on the brink of an artificial intelligence takeover? Which future will be yours?
90年代半ばから伝説の雑誌『BURST』などで世界のカウンターカルチャーを現場レポート、身体改造の最前線を日本に紹介してきた。その活動はTBS系人気番組『クレイジージャーニー』でも取り上げられ話題となる。05年以来、写真家、アーティスト、キュレーターとして国内外で作品展示を行う。主な著書に『クレイジーカルチャー紀行』(KADOKAWA)、『縄文時代にタトゥーはあったのか』(国書刊行会)、『モドゥコン・ブック 増補完全版』『トレパネーション・ソースブック 増補バイリンガル版』『モディファイド・フューチャー バイリンガル版』(3冊ともにフューチャー・ワークス)など。
Ryoichi “Keroppy” Maeda is a photographer and journalist who has been reporting the cutting edge of underground culture worldwide since the mid-90s. He is well known for his remarkable works in the legendary magazine “Burst” and other publications. From 2005, he began holding exhibitions as an artist and curator.
イベント日時:10月20日(日) 17:30-19:30